Community building


Union “Farmers Parliament” members – around 800 producing farmers of all regions of Latvia, involved in the different agriculture sectors (arable farming, cattle, dairy, vegetables, fruits etc.)


Living Lab – the project addresses to collaboration for creation, prototyping, validating, and testing of new technologies, services, products, and systems in real-life contexts.


The Union “Farmers’ Parliament” is initiator of Living Labs in the fruit and vegetable sector and, in beef cattle meat production sector :


Regional Cluster – North East Europe (NEE) Regional Cluster aims to foster the development of smart agriculture in Baltic countries and Poland. The Cluster acts as a first contact point and link between farmers and technology providers in the region, sharing knowledge of relevant events and funding opportunities.


Project development on collaboration with Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LLU), advisory&tehnology companies and the Farm. Development of technology for improving the efficiency of thermal energy to extend the vegetation period of covered areas) in order to develop technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in covered areas using an Air-to-Air heat pump. READ MORE


Project “Development of an information gathering tool for the management of wild game populations”. The aim is to develop a data collection tool compatible with the State Forest Register and a mobile application for recording wild game, evidence of presence, hunting and damage to promote optimal use, conservation and regulation of forestry resources while reducing the risk of damage and loss in forestry and agriculture, as well as reducing the administrative burden of hunting. READ MORE


Mentoring services:


Competence Centres


Scientific community:


State and local governmental organisations:




Information about DIH in media


The international communities
