Living labs are collaborating for creation, prototyping, validating, and testing of new technologies, services, products, and systems in real-life contexts. As an innovative business model Living labs encourage a more sustainable mobilization of resources, better cooperation between operators along the value chain and lead to new services. By focusing on innovation user Living labs will integrate concurrent researches and innovation processes within a public-private partnership.
The Union “Farmers’ Parliament” Living Lab Fruits and Vegetables sector will address the challenges of fruit and vegetable growing in Latvia – lack of cooperation between the growers and the food processors, as well as between the food chain members; cooperatives are slowly starting to develop, lack of knowledge and motivation for cooperation; improvement of knowledge about the production of high quality fruits and production of high value and innovative products.
The FP Living Lab was established in the frame work of Horizon 2020 project LIVERUR (1st of May 2018 – 31h of October 2021). The main mission of LIVERUR is to play a role as catalyser and/or driver of rural innovation. The project involves more than 20 European partners. LIVERUR combines relevant rural topics (agriculture, tourism, innovation, energy & environment, food, water, mobility, entrepreneurship, social innovation etc.) for future challenges in rural/remote/mountain areas to give them real and sustainable perspectives in order not to force them to leave their living areas. More detailed information about the LIVERUR project is available HERE.
Project developed LIVERUR RAIN Business models and MOOCs training course available:
The Union “Farmers’ Parliament” Living Lab of Beef Cattle Meat Production Sector with support of Baltic Study Centre focuses the work of LL towards using digital tools to promote the beef sector and to establish a market for high quality responsibly produced beef meat. The main actors representing the sector operate across the entire territory of the country (Latvia).
The Living Lab (LL) is aimed at harvesting, targeting and upscaling the potential of the beef cattle farmers to use digital tools to communicate with broader society. Digital solutions will help the beef farmers to communicate its outstanding social and environmental performance and the high quality of beef produced by Latvia’s farmers. The FP Living Lab was established in the frame work of Horizon 2020 project DESIRA. More detailed information is available HERE.
To develop innovative support system for recognition and traceability of beef cattle meat, in order to improve and extend markets by digital tools (e.g. digital marketing strategy aimed at communicating the characteristics of Latvia’s beef to consumers and farmers).