Farmers Parliament Digital Innovation Hub (FP DIH) aims to become a digital innovation support platform that helps farmers, agronomists, companies, R&D institutions and other organisations in Latvia to create added value through digital technology, better business and production processes. Latvian Agriculture DIH platform will become the first one stop shop service to digitize businesses in Latvia, and it enables the participants of the digital ecosystem to find solutions for their challenges by focusing on businesses.
The main strategic objectives are to initiate and develop public sector, business and scientific cooperation in the field of digital innovation, using the most advanced means of communication and technologies. One of the practical examples related to the objectives of Latvian Agriculture DIH is Flagship Innovation Experiment (FIE) “Groundwater and Meteo Sensors” where necessary infrastructure for research and experimental development was obtained and installed, the development of new service for farmers and agronomists initiated, service prototyping, testing and validation of the software realised. Initially DIH will be supporting dissemination of the FIE results among farmers all over the country which are members of the Farmer’s Parliament.
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Agriculture requires the collection, storage, sharing and analysis of large quantities of spatially referenced data. Management of huge amounts of data is a challenge. The aim of the Ground Water and Meteo sensors experimentation is to develop a Web based system for integration, transformation and utilization of large quantities of data and models for agrometeorological and groundwater measurement. The technology will provide insights on precise climate conditions and vegetation status. This information will be used to give recommendations for fertiliser application during the season and to plan other necessary interventions.