25 Mar SmartAgrihubs experiment presentation at the Farmers’ Congress
On February 28th there was an annual Farmers Parliament congress in Bulduri, which brought together participants from all regions of Latvia. In addition to discussing topical issues in the agriculture and farming, we invited participants to take a look at the SmartAgrihubs project experiments: GROUNDWATER AND METEOSENSORS – a web-based System development for integration of physical measurements and satellite data, to facilitate the processing of information and to support farmers in decision-making and the implementation of precision farming.
How: The system stores and combines local sensor, satellite imagery and weather data. Performing various analyzes using integrated data to facilitate decision making.
Next steps: Creation of platform based on farmers initiative. Analytical program development using integrated data. Testing of the system at the pilot farm and incorporating improvements that have emerged from discussions.
#SmartAgriHubs #InvestEUresearch #FIE_MeteoSensorsWater #IampartofSmartAgriHubs